貴州飛天茅台酒(53% ABV,陳釀5年)香氣更醇厚,酒香更多. 從投料生產到產品出廠最少需要五年時間(基酒生產一年、分類貯存三年、勾兌成品存放一年).嚴格按照節氣,端午踩曲、重陽投料、一年一個生產週期; 兩次投料; 三種(醬香、窖底香、純甜香)香型體; 同一批原料要經過九次蒸煮、八次加曲、堆積發酵、七次取酒; 高溫制曲、高溫堆積、高溫入池、高溫接酒、低糖化制曲、低水分入池、低出酒率、低酒精度; 用曲量大、糧食消耗高; 不准外加任何香味物質.具有醬香突出、幽雅細膩、酒體醇厚、回味悠長、空杯留香持久的酒體風格. 作為食物的搭配,它與中國菜、開胃菜、烤豬肉以及壽司和生魚片都很相配. Guizhou Feitian Maotai liquor (53% ABV, aged for 5 years) has a richer aroma and more aroma It takes at...
習酒·窖藏1988,源自貴州習酒鎮,一酒一碼有“身份”. 優質原材,糯高粱與小麥、赤水河釀造,秉承傳統的「9」字工藝釀造酱香突出,醇厚豐满,回味悠長. 選用優質糯高粱、小麥、水為原料,具有醬香突出,空杯留香持久和本品固有風格. 香 型:醬香型原 料:有機高粱,小麥淨 含 量:500ml酒 精 度:53度 Xijiu Cellar Collection 1988, originated from Xijiu Town, Guizhou. Each wine has its own identityHigh quality raw materials, glutinous sorghum...
國窖1573是一款高檔濃香型白酒,酒香濃郁,回味無窮,窖香幽雅, 绵甜爽净,傳言國窖的酒窖歷史源遠流長,可以追溯到很久以前,足以保證其酒質的品質。 始建于明朝1573年 2006年被列入第一批《國家級非物質文化遺產名錄》 The distillery dates back to 1573, in the Ming dynasty, and it is the oldest continuously producing baijiu distillery in the world. It was included in the...
He Maipo Valley’s 2019 vintage was defined by dryness, which drastically lowered yields. Fortunately, the grapes that emerged were phenomenal—some of the tiniest, most densely concentrated clusters that growers had...
From the Rhône valley we have Château Pesquié Quintessence Côtes du Ventoux 2019 made up of a blend of 80% Syrah and 20% Grenache from the high elevation vineyards at the foot...
The Clémentin de Pape Clément 2018 is a sub brand of the famous Grand Cru Class é de Graves Château Pape Clément, showcasing all the typical characteristics of the premium...
Chevalier de Lascombes 2018 has aromas of cedar, tobacco, and blackcurrant, with a rich aroma. Juicy and round tannins to this make it so attractive already. Medium to full body,...
The 2017 Chevalier de Lascombes is a very appealing and expressive second wine from Lascombes. Creme de cassis, licorice, smoke, lavender and cloves all flesh out in this fruity, succulent...
The 2018 Pauillac de Latour is a third brand liquor of Chateau Latour, with a rare production, accounting for only one tenth of Chateau Latour's annual production, making it difficult...
The 2019 Château Talbot well-built and rather refined for the vintage, with a deep well of red and black currant paste and plum reduction flavors supported by a deeply inlaid...
The 2017 Pichon Comtesse Reserve is a subsidiary of the Pichon Longueville Chateau de Lalande winery. The annual stability and outstanding quality of Viscount Bishang have earned the winery the...
The 2019 Château Leoville Poyferre is a testament to the elegance and precision of Saint-Julien wines. With a nose that captivates with its floral character and complex layers of pulpy...
Robert Parker Rating: 95/100 Located at the southern end of Pauilla, Bordeaux, bordering Saint-Julien and opposite Chateau Latour, The 2008 is the most local and concentrated wine, with aromas and...
「四割五分」表示每粒米只取 45% 最精華部分去釀造,酒質特純,釀造出擁有令人驚豔口感的高品質純米大吟釀 在原有的精米基礎上再提高了 5% 的精米,呈現出獺祭 45 更加細膩通透的口感。帶果香的酒在日本酒中不算罕見,但獺祭帶有洋梨般清新的果香卻是其特性。獺祭 45 的精米比率是 45%,讓飲者能同時品嚐果香和米香. 精米步合 45%酒精度 16% "Four cuts and five points" means that only 45% of the most essence of each grain of rice...
「寒造早槽」減去火入程序,保留多果米嘅香味,由於酵母繼續活躍,更加製造出一種類似氣泡酒嘅感覺,加上乳酸感更濃烈 「三割九分」表示每粒米只取39%最精華部分去釀造,滴滴甘醇,果香馥郁. 精米步合 39%酒精度16% Subtracting the fire entry program, the aroma of multi fruit rice is retained. As the yeast continues to be active, it creates a feeling similar to...
新鮮醇美的花果香,表現出獺祭大方獨特的魅力。是酒質高雅, 帶有微微甘甜口感的純米大吟釀。獺祭的酒名以數字表現精米步合,「三割九分」表示每粒米只取39% 「三割九分」表示每粒米只取39%最精華部分去釀造,滴滴甘醇,果香馥郁. 精米步合 39%酒精度16% The fresh and mellow aroma of flowers and fruits showcases the unique charm of the otter festival. It is a pure rice wine with elegant...
品味到優雅而華麗的吟釀香氣的大吟釀原酒,入口後,會感覺到些許的甜美,但這種微甜恰到好處,順滑入喉,沒有過度渲染的香氣使她適合各種開胃菜,也特別適合配搭濃厚口味的主菜,可以讓口中味覺重新清爽起來 精米步合 50%酒精度 19% Tasting the elegant and gorgeous aroma of the Da Yin Niang original wine, upon entering the mouth, you will feel a slight sweetness, but this slight...
入口是純米大吟釀級數的麝香葡萄和蜜瓜的香氣,大米的鮮味在甘酸平衡的和諧中慢慢散開,此清酒的日本度是+2,不用怕味道會過份甜,是一款易入口,具清爽口感的清酒,非常容易配搭任何種類的食物,特別適合在春,夏季享用 精米步合 50%酒精度 14% The entrance is filled with the aroma of Muscat Grape and Honey Melon in the pure rice Gin series. The freshness of the rice slowly dissipates...
頂級清酒米 "山田西木" 釀造的,這裡的水就是著名的神水"奔天水" 這款酒的特點是具有白桃般的香氣和甜甜滋潤的喉嚨感覺. 選用優質山田池米. 追求甜味,酸味和目的性的最終平衡,帶有華麗的花香和果香. 它非常適合做餐酒. 精米步合 50%酒精度 14.5% The top sake rice "Yamada Ximu" is brewed, and the water here is the famous divine water "Bentian Water"...
Zaku Miyabi-No-Tomo Nakadori -Junmai Daiginjo 把三重県産山田錦精米至50%。中取り即是、在搾酒出黎的步驟時、不使用最初及最後搾出來的酒、只留下状態最好的酒. 層次多變又帶著果香、圓滑的甜味和剛好的酸味、請讓享受清爽的口感中柔和的味道。是於世界最大規模的日本酒比賽sake competition史上第一所同時取下第1名、第2名的酒蔵. 精米步合 50%酒精度16% Junmai Daiginjo is extremely labor-intensive to brew. Due to the stringent quality controls involved, and the costs of the...
Chitosetsuru Junmai Origarami Nama's long-term low-temperature fermentation is carefully brewed, with a delicate and soft taste and gorgeous aroma Origarami is a style where fine rice particles are left in...
每個酒造年度的第一款生原酒,以全量廣島縣栽培八反錦釀造,清爽口感與紮實米香並重. Ryusei First Press Nama Genshu has a high alcohol content and a thick body because there is no water added and no filtering. The flavor and freshness will be...
Dewazakura Meow To Heart Namazake is brewed in the state of raw liquor, aged at ice temperature for one year, and then bottled for sale. It exudes a soft fruity...
The Branaire-Ducru 2018 is very evident in the vintage, expressive fruit, great finesse and balance, wonderful freshness, but always with exceptional depth, density and refinement.58% Cabernet Sauvignon, 33% Merlot, 5%...
五粮液缘定晶生天鵝款, 名酒收藏送禮高檔禮盒. 天鹅為身,美酒為體, 精緻打造,每一處細節都盡顯時尚優雅.香型:濃香型原料:水、高粱、大米、糯米、小麥、玉米容量: 500毫升酒精度: 52度 Wuliangye Yuanding Jingsheng Swan style, a high-end gift box for collecting famous winesSwan as the body, wine as the body, exquisitely crafted, every detail...
貴州茅台酒(豪華金色) 氣更醇厚,酒香更多. 具有醬香突出、幽雅細膩、酒體醇厚、回味悠長、空杯留香持久的酒體風格. 香 型:醬香型 原 料:有機高粱,小麥 淨 含 量:500ml 酒 精 度: 53% It has a strong soy sauce aroma, elegant and delicate taste, a rich and mellow body,...
The second wine 2016 Admiral de Beychevelle of Château Beychevelle is a blend consisting of 62% Cabernet Sauvignon, 27% Merlot and 11% Cabernet Franc. According to Wine Advocate, it is "Rich structured...
The 2018 Château Lynch Moussas is a gorgeous, bold, fully bodied wine with polish and beautiful firm tannins. VertdeVin describes it as having "...notes of ripe/fresh Boysen berry, wild strawberry and small...
The 2017 Château Blason d'Issan from the Margaux region close to the Gironde estuary is a blend of 52% Cabernet Sauvignon and 48% Merlot. Layers of juicy and crisp blank currant...
The 2018 Château Lascombes is a powerful, creamy and smokey 2eme Grand Cru Classé from Margaux. The nose is elegant, aromatic and fresh. The palate is racy, precise and full of control. Wine...
Margaux's 2eme Grand Cru Classé, the 2017 Château Lascombes has shown that its vintages continue to improve in quality year after year. The blend consists of 57% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40%...
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