A wine and spirit collection shows your personal tastes and character. From the occasions you will be sharing your selection, to your preference for tastes and regions and of course, the price points you are willing to pay. Tell us what you like (or dislike) and we will put together a personal selection to reflect you for your degustation.
The 2008 Château Lassègue lies four kilometres southeast of Saint-Èmilion on the Côte de Saint-Èmilion, a gentle south-west facing slope . According to Wine-Searcher users, it is one of the most...
From the vineyards of Baron Philippe de Rothschild, the Domaine de Baron'Arques Limoux 2015 is a Merlot based blend of 50% Merlot, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Cabernet Franc, 10% Grenache, 10%...
Zaku Miyabi-No-Tomo Nakadori -Junmai Daiginjo 把三重県産山田錦精米至50%。中取り即是、在搾酒出黎的步驟時、不使用最初及最後搾出來的酒、只留下状態最好的酒. 層次多變又帶著果香、圓滑的甜味和剛好的酸味、請讓享受清爽的口感中柔和的味道。是於世界最大規模的日本酒比賽sake competition史上第一所同時取下第1名、第2名的酒蔵. 精米步合 50%酒精度16% Junmai Daiginjo is extremely labor-intensive to brew. Due to the stringent quality controls involved, and the costs of the...
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