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茅台王子酒(53% ABV,陳釀 3 年)它具有色清透明、香氣濃郁. 初嘗時,會讓人聯想到非常粗糙的伏特加,然後是醬油味. 它在中段有很多結構,但回味很短 It has a clear and transparent color, and a rich aroma At first taste, it reminds people of very rough vodka, followed by a...
柔和醬香白酒,以柔和為主題,相容綿,爽,淨。酒體微黃,清亮透明,醬香明顯,綿柔醇和,優雅協調,尾淨味長,空杯留香,風格獨特.香 型:孕和醬香型原 料:有機高粱,小麥淨 含 量:500ml 酒 精 度: 53% Soft Maotai flavor Baijiu, with soft as the theme, is compatible with cotton, cool and clean. The body of the wine...
貴州飛天茅台酒(53% ABV,陳釀5年)香氣更醇厚,酒香更多. 從投料生產到產品出廠最少需要五年時間(基酒生產一年、分類貯存三年、勾兌成品存放一年).嚴格按照節氣,端午踩曲、重陽投料、一年一個生產週期; 兩次投料; 三種(醬香、窖底香、純甜香)香型體; 同一批原料要經過九次蒸煮、八次加曲、堆積發酵、七次取酒; 高溫制曲、高溫堆積、高溫入池、高溫接酒、低糖化制曲、低水分入池、低出酒率、低酒精度; 用曲量大、糧食消耗高; 不准外加任何香味物質.具有醬香突出、幽雅細膩、酒體醇厚、回味悠長、空杯留香持久的酒體風格. 作為食物的搭配,它與中國菜、開胃菜、烤豬肉以及壽司和生魚片都很相配. Guizhou Feitian Maotai liquor (53% ABV, aged for 5 years) has a richer aroma and more aroma It takes at...
唐宋20年 善釀紹興酒. 非常適合與大閘蟹和海鮮搭配進餐. 特別設計的瓶子和包裝,非常適合自用或送禮.原 料:鑒湖水, 糯米 , 小麥酒 精 度:14% He was skilled in brewing Shaoxing liquor Very suitable for pairing with hairy crabs and seafood when dining Specially designed...
由米酒製成, 並陳釀20年. 非常適合與大閘蟹和海鮮搭配進餐. 特別設計的瓶子和包裝,非常適合自用或送禮. 原料:鑒湖水, 糯米 , 小麥酒精含量: 14% He is made from rice wine and aged for 20 years Very suitable for pairing with hairy crabs and seafood when...
由米酒製成, 並陳釀10年. 非常適合與大閘蟹和海鮮搭配進餐. 特別設計的瓶子和包裝,非常適合自用或送禮. 原料:鑒湖水, 糯米 , 小麥酒精含量: 14% He is made from rice wine and aged for 10 years Very suitable for pairing with hairy crabs and seafood when...
茅台飛天(53% ABV,陳釀5年)香氣更醇厚,酒香更多.口感上,酒精的刺痛感較少,略帶甜味,啜飲幾口後會散發出淡淡的煙熏味。有醬油的味道,酒體更順滑,回味悠長. 它可以很好地用作開胃酒並刺激食慾.作為食物的搭配,它與中國菜、開胃菜、烤豬肉以及壽司和生魚片都很相配. The aroma is richer and the aroma of the wine is more abundantIn terms of taste, alcohol has less stinging sensation and a slightly sweet taste. After...
貴州茅台酒廠集團技術開發公司正式成立,為了紀念這一重要時刻而命名為茅台醇1992,包裝以白色為主色調香 型:孕和醬香型原 料:有機高粱,小麥淨 含 量:500ml 酒 精 度: 53% Kweichow Moutai Distillery Group Technology Development Company was officially established. In order to commemorate this important moment, it was named as...
茅台醇1998是貴州茅台酒廠集團技術開發公司出品的一款中端醬香型白酒.作為茅臺集團酒,與茅臺酒不同的是,茅臺醇主打柔和醬香,是53度,主要特點是比濃香型白酒香醇,比醬香型白酒柔和,更適合初次嘗醬酒的人群. 香 型:孕和醬香型原 料:有機高粱,小麥淨 含 量:500ml 酒 精 度: 53% Maotaichun 1998 is a mid end Maotai flavor Baijiu produced by Kweichow Moutai Maotai Distillery Group Technology Development CompanyAs a...
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