A wine and spirit collection shows your personal tastes and character. From the occasions you will be sharing your selection, to your preference for tastes and regions and of course, the price points you are willing to pay. Tell us what you like (or dislike) and we will put together a personal selection to reflect you for your degustation.
Dewazakura Meow To Heart Namazake is brewed in the state of raw liquor, aged at ice temperature for one year, and then bottled for sale. It exudes a soft fruity...
Chitosetsuru Junmai Origarami Nama's long-term low-temperature fermentation is carefully brewed, with a delicate and soft taste and gorgeous aroma Origarami is a style where fine rice particles are left in...
Zaku Miyabi-No-Tomo Nakadori -Junmai Daiginjo 把三重県産山田錦精米至50%。中取り即是、在搾酒出黎的步驟時、不使用最初及最後搾出來的酒、只留下状態最好的酒. 層次多變又帶著果香、圓滑的甜味和剛好的酸味、請讓享受清爽的口感中柔和的味道。是於世界最大規模的日本酒比賽sake competition史上第一所同時取下第1名、第2名的酒蔵. 精米步合 50%酒精度16% Junmai Daiginjo is extremely labor-intensive to brew. Due to the stringent quality controls involved, and the costs of the...
新鮮醇美的花果香,表現出獺祭大方獨特的魅力。是酒質高雅, 帶有微微甘甜口感的純米大吟釀。獺祭的酒名以數字表現精米步合,「三割九分」表示每粒米只取39% 「三割九分」表示每粒米只取39%最精華部分去釀造,滴滴甘醇,果香馥郁. 精米步合 39%酒精度16% The fresh and mellow aroma of flowers and fruits showcases the unique charm of the otter festival. It is a pure rice wine with elegant...
「寒造早槽」減去火入程序,保留多果米嘅香味,由於酵母繼續活躍,更加製造出一種類似氣泡酒嘅感覺,加上乳酸感更濃烈 「三割九分」表示每粒米只取39%最精華部分去釀造,滴滴甘醇,果香馥郁. 精米步合 39%酒精度16% Subtracting the fire entry program, the aroma of multi fruit rice is retained. As the yeast continues to be active, it creates a feeling similar to...
「四割五分」表示每粒米只取 45% 最精華部分去釀造,酒質特純,釀造出擁有令人驚豔口感的高品質純米大吟釀 在原有的精米基礎上再提高了 5% 的精米,呈現出獺祭 45 更加細膩通透的口感。帶果香的酒在日本酒中不算罕見,但獺祭帶有洋梨般清新的果香卻是其特性。獺祭 45 的精米比率是 45%,讓飲者能同時品嚐果香和米香. 精米步合 45%酒精度 16% "Four cuts and five points" means that only 45% of the most essence of each grain of rice...
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