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五糧特曲為濃香型白酒,擁有“入口醇厚、酒味全面、回味甘甜”的複合口感.香型:濃香型原料:水、高粱、大米、糯米、小麥、玉米容量: 500毫升酒精度: 52度
Wuliang Tequ is a Luzhou flavor Baijiu, with a complex taste of "mellow in the mouth, comprehensive in the taste, and sweet in the aftertaste"
一品景芝,中國芝麻香型白酒代表. 風格獨樹一幟,具有“芝香優雅、回味悠長”的芝香典型風格. 開瓶是有一股淡淡的芝麻香氣,而釀造過程中,卻沒有芝麻的參與.香 型:芝麻香型原 料:高粱,小麥淨 含 量:500ml酒 精 度:53度 Yipin Jingzhi, the representative of Chinese sesame flavor Baijiu, has a unique style, with a typical style of "elegant sesame flavor...
一品景芝,中國芝麻香型白酒代表, 風格獨樹一幟,具有“芝香優雅、回味悠長”的芝香典型風格. 開瓶是有一股淡淡的芝麻香氣,而釀造過程中,卻沒有芝麻的參與.香 型:芝麻香型原 料:高粱,小麥淨 含 量:500ml酒 精 度:53度 Yipin Jingzhi, the representative of Chinese sesame flavor Baijiu, has a unique style, with a typical style of "elegant sesame flavor...
經典五糧液更加凸現五糧液的主體風格,具有陳香濃郁,窖香幽雅,入口綿甜醇和,入喉淨爽絲滑,回味悠長的風格特點.香型:濃香型原料:水、高粱、大米、糯米、小麥、玉米容量: 500毫升酒精度: 52度 The classic Wuliangye highlights the main style of Wuliangye, with rich aged aroma, elegant cellar aroma, smooth and mellow taste, clean and refreshing throat, and a long...
金鑽習酒, 鑽石級品質酒體, 優質基酒, 經白酒釀造專家團隊傾心打造而成, 具有醬香突出, 醇和豐滿, 細膩體淨, 後味綿長, 空杯留香持久的風格特徵. 香 型:醬香型原 料:有機高粱,小麥淨 含 量:500ml酒 精 度:53度 A diamond quality liquor and high-quality base liquor, has been created by the Baijiu...
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