由米酒製成, 並陳釀20年. 非常適合與大閘蟹和海鮮搭配進餐. 特別設計的瓶子和包裝,非常適合自用或送禮. 原料:鑒湖水, 糯米 , 小麥酒精含量: 14% He is made from rice wine and aged for 20 years Very suitable for pairing with hairy crabs and seafood when...
由米酒製成, 並陳釀10年. 非常適合與大閘蟹和海鮮搭配進餐. 特別設計的瓶子和包裝,非常適合自用或送禮. 原料:鑒湖水, 糯米 , 小麥酒精含量: 14% He is made from rice wine and aged for 10 years Very suitable for pairing with hairy crabs and seafood when...
百年瀘州老窖60年窖齡,濃香型四川高度白酒 500毫升
The 60 year aged wine has a fragrant and mellow aroma, with a warm and soft texture, emphasizing the display of explosive and fruity aromas
國窖1573是一款高檔濃香型白酒,酒香濃郁,回味無窮,窖香幽雅, 绵甜爽净,傳言國窖的酒窖歷史源遠流長,可以追溯到很久以前,足以保證其酒質的品質。 始建于明朝1573年 2006年被列入第一批《國家級非物質文化遺產名錄》 The distillery dates back to 1573, in the Ming dynasty, and it is the oldest continuously producing baijiu distillery in the world. It was included in the...
五粮液缘定晶生天鵝款, 名酒收藏送禮高檔禮盒. 天鹅為身,美酒為體, 精緻打造,每一處細節都盡顯時尚優雅.香型:濃香型原料:水、高粱、大米、糯米、小麥、玉米容量: 500毫升酒精度: 52度 Wuliangye Yuanding Jingsheng Swan style, a high-end gift box for collecting famous winesSwan as the body, wine as the body, exquisitely crafted, every detail...
五粮液缘定晶生 鑽戒款 採用施華洛世奇元素 禮盒裝 由創意精神的施華洛世奇大師設計,以戒指為身,美酒為體,綴以水晶與天鹅,將“愛與永恒”完美呈現,更象徵著承諾一生,愛情見證.香型:濃香型原料:水、高粱、大米、糯米、小麥、玉米容量: 500毫升酒精度: 52度 The Wuliangye Yuanding Jingsheng Diamond Ring is packaged in a Swarovski element gift boxDesigned by the creative master Swarovski, featuring a ring as the...
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