一品景芝,中國芝麻香型白酒代表. 風格獨樹一幟,具有“芝香優雅、回味悠長”的芝香典型風格. 開瓶是有一股淡淡的芝麻香氣,而釀造過程中,卻沒有芝麻的參與.香 型:芝麻香型原 料:高粱,小麥淨 含 量:500ml酒 精 度:53度 Yipin Jingzhi, the representative of Chinese sesame flavor Baijiu, has a unique style, with a typical style of "elegant sesame flavor...
茅台王子酒(53% ABV,陳釀 3 年)它具有色清透明、香氣濃郁. 初嘗時,會讓人聯想到非常粗糙的伏特加,然後是醬油味. 它在中段有很多結構,但回味很短 It has a clear and transparent color, and a rich aroma At first taste, it reminds people of very rough vodka, followed by a...
珍品王子酒 以優質糯高粱、小麥、水為原料,採用大曲酱香型白酒傳统工藝精心酿造,貯存,勾兌而成,未添加任何香氣, 香味物質. 具有酱香典雅,酒體豐满,醇和協調, 回味長, 空杯留香久的特點. With high-quality glutinous sorghum, wheat and water as raw materials, it is carefully brewed, stored and blended with traditional techniques of Daqu Maotai flavor...
茅台金王子酒 以優質糯高粱、小麥、水為原料,採用大曲酱香型白酒傳统工藝精心酿造,貯存,勾兌而成,未添加任何香氣, 香味物質. 具有酱香典雅,酒體豐满,醇和協調, 回味長, 空杯留香久的特點. With high-quality glutinous sorghum, wheat and water as raw materials, it is carefully brewed, stored and blended with traditional techniques of Daqu Maotai flavor...
一品景芝,中國芝麻香型白酒代表, 風格獨樹一幟,具有“芝香優雅、回味悠長”的芝香典型風格. 開瓶是有一股淡淡的芝麻香氣,而釀造過程中,卻沒有芝麻的參與.香 型:芝麻香型原 料:高粱,小麥淨 含 量:500ml酒 精 度:53度 Yipin Jingzhi, the representative of Chinese sesame flavor Baijiu, has a unique style, with a typical style of "elegant sesame flavor...
由米酒製成, 並陳釀20年. 非常適合與大閘蟹和海鮮搭配進餐. 特別設計的瓶子和包裝,非常適合自用或送禮. 原料:鑒湖水, 糯米 , 小麥酒精含量: 14% He is made from rice wine and aged for 20 years Very suitable for pairing with hairy crabs and seafood when...
由米酒製成, 並陳釀10年. 非常適合與大閘蟹和海鮮搭配進餐. 特別設計的瓶子和包裝,非常適合自用或送禮. 原料:鑒湖水, 糯米 , 小麥酒精含量: 14% He is made from rice wine and aged for 10 years Very suitable for pairing with hairy crabs and seafood when...
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