People collect wines and spirits for different reasons. At Essence Spirits, we like to look for outstanding bottles that have not only had an exceptional year, but are also exclusive and have the wow factor. These are premium bottles we believe will increase in value over time and well worth buying today.
習酒·窖藏1988,選用優質糯高粱、小麥、水為原料,具有醬香突出、醇厚豐滿、細膩體淨、回味悠長、空杯留香持久和本品固有風格. 使各種年份的酒體共同構成窖藏1988獨有的味覺體驗,酒體幽雅細膩,口感溫潤順滑. 採用8年基酒加上1988年以前的老酒勾兌.香 型:醬香型 原 料:有機高粱,小麥 淨 含 量:3000ml 酒 精 度:53度 Using high-quality glutinous sorghum, wheat, and water as raw materials, has a prominent sauce aroma, mellow and plump...
习酒 窖藏系列 生肖纪念酒 戊戌狗年, 選用優質糯高粱、小麥、水為原料,具有醬香突出、醇厚豐滿、細膩體淨、回味悠長、空杯留香持久和本品固有風格.香 型:醬香型 原 料:有機高粱,小麥 淨 含 量:500ml 酒 精 度:53度 He is made from high-quality glutinous sorghum, wheat, and water, has a prominent sauce aroma, mellow...
貴州茅台醇十二星座酒套裝,十二支酒樽印上不同星座圖案,設計獨特,屬特級限量. 系列產品味道甜而帶辣、入口細膩;可搭牛扒、巴馬火腿、芝士飲用. 香 型:醬香型原 料:有機高粱,小麥淨 含 量:375ml x 12酒 精 度: 53% The twelve wine bottles are printed with different constellation patterns and have a unique design, which is a...
貴州茅台酒(豪華絳色) 氣更醇厚,酒香更多. 具有醬香突出、幽雅細膩、酒體醇厚、回味悠長、空杯留香持久的酒體風格. 香 型:醬香型原 料:有機高粱,小麥淨 含 量:500ml酒 精 度: 53% It has a strong soy sauce aroma, elegant and delicate taste, a rich and mellow body, a long aftertaste,...
貴州茅台酒(豪華金色) 氣更醇厚,酒香更多. 具有醬香突出、幽雅細膩、酒體醇厚、回味悠長、空杯留香持久的酒體風格. 香 型:醬香型 原 料:有機高粱,小麥 淨 含 量:500ml 酒 精 度: 53% It has a strong soy sauce aroma, elegant and delicate taste, a rich and mellow body,...
茅台飛天50年陳釀年份茅台(53% ABV,陳釀10年以上) 醬香突出、酒體醇厚豐、入口柔綿、清冽甘爽. 它具有悠長的餘味和令人愉悅的餘味. Maotai Feitian 50 year aged Maotai (53% ABV, aged for more than 10 years)The sauce aroma is prominent, the wine is mellow and full bodied, and...
茅台飛天30年陳釀年份茅台(53% ABV,陳釀10年以上)醬香突出、酒體醇厚豐、入口柔綿、清冽甘爽. 它具有悠長的餘味和令人愉悅的餘味. Maotai Feitian 30 year aged Maotai (53% ABV, aged for more than 10 years)The sauce aroma is prominent, the wine is mellow and full bodied, and the...
茅台飛天15年陳釀年份茅台(53% ABV,陳釀10年以上)醬香突出、酒體醇厚豐、入口柔綿、清冽甘爽. 它具有悠長的餘味和令人愉悅的餘味. Maotai Feitian 15 year aged Maotai (53% ABV, aged for more than 10 years)The sauce aroma is prominent, the wine is mellow and full bodied, and the...
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