貴州茅台 香氣更醇厚,酒香更多. 口感上,酒精的刺痛感較少,略帶甜味,啜飲幾口後會散發出淡淡的煙熏味。有醬油的味道,酒體更順滑,回味悠長. 它可以很好地用作開胃酒並刺激食慾。作為食物的搭配,它與中國菜、開胃菜、烤豬肉以及壽司和生魚片都很相配.香 型:醬香型 原料 : 高樑、小麥、水 容量 : 500 ml 酒精度:53度 Kweichow Moutai has more mellow aroma and more wine fragrance In terms of taste, alcohol has less...
茅台王子酒(53% ABV,陳釀 3 年)它具有色清透明、香氣濃郁. 初嘗時,會讓人聯想到非常粗糙的伏特加,然後是醬油味. 它在中段有很多結構,但回味很短 It has a clear and transparent color, and a rich aroma At first taste, it reminds people of very rough vodka, followed by a...
茅台飛天50年陳釀年份茅台(53% ABV,陳釀10年以上) 醬香突出、酒體醇厚豐、入口柔綿、清冽甘爽. 它具有悠長的餘味和令人愉悅的餘味. Maotai Feitian 50 year aged Maotai (53% ABV, aged for more than 10 years)The sauce aroma is prominent, the wine is mellow and full bodied, and...
茅台飛天30年陳釀年份茅台(53% ABV,陳釀10年以上)醬香突出、酒體醇厚豐、入口柔綿、清冽甘爽. 它具有悠長的餘味和令人愉悅的餘味. Maotai Feitian 30 year aged Maotai (53% ABV, aged for more than 10 years)The sauce aroma is prominent, the wine is mellow and full bodied, and the...
茅台飛天15年陳釀年份茅台(53% ABV,陳釀10年以上)醬香突出、酒體醇厚豐、入口柔綿、清冽甘爽. 它具有悠長的餘味和令人愉悅的餘味. Maotai Feitian 15 year aged Maotai (53% ABV, aged for more than 10 years)The sauce aroma is prominent, the wine is mellow and full bodied, and the...
贵州茅台酒官方正品生肖纪念羊年香 型:醬香型原料 : 高樑、小麥、水容量 : 375 ml 酒精度:53度 Kwei Chow Moutai special edition of Zodiac - Year of Goat (2015)- Year of Monkey (2016)- Year of Rooster (2017)- Year of Dog...
贵州茅台酒官方正品生肖纪念猴年香 型:醬香型 原料 : 高樑、小麥、水 容量 : 375 ml 酒精度:53度 Kwei Chow Moutai special edition of Zodiac - Year of Monkey (2016)- Year of Goat (2015)- Year of Rooster (2017)- Year...
贵州茅台酒官方正品生肖纪念雞年香 型:醬香型 原料 : 高樑、小麥、水 容量 : 375 ml 酒精度:53度 Kwei Chow Moutai special edition of Zodiac - Year of Rooster (2017)- Year of Goat (2015)- Year of Monkey (2016)- Year...
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