茅台王子酒(53% ABV,陳釀 3 年)它具有色清透明、香氣濃郁. 初嘗時,會讓人聯想到非常粗糙的伏特加,然後是醬油味. 它在中段有很多結構,但回味很短 It has a clear and transparent color, and a rich aroma At first taste, it reminds people of very rough vodka, followed by a...
珍品王子酒 以優質糯高粱、小麥、水為原料,採用大曲酱香型白酒傳统工藝精心酿造,貯存,勾兌而成,未添加任何香氣, 香味物質. 具有酱香典雅,酒體豐满,醇和協調, 回味長, 空杯留香久的特點. With high-quality glutinous sorghum, wheat and water as raw materials, it is carefully brewed, stored and blended with traditional techniques of Daqu Maotai flavor...
茅台金王子酒 以優質糯高粱、小麥、水為原料,採用大曲酱香型白酒傳统工藝精心酿造,貯存,勾兌而成,未添加任何香氣, 香味物質. 具有酱香典雅,酒體豐满,醇和協調, 回味長, 空杯留香久的特點. With high-quality glutinous sorghum, wheat and water as raw materials, it is carefully brewed, stored and blended with traditional techniques of Daqu Maotai flavor...
貴州茅台 香氣更醇厚,酒香更多. 口感上,酒精的刺痛感較少,略帶甜味,啜飲幾口後會散發出淡淡的煙熏味。有醬油的味道,酒體更順滑,回味悠長. 它可以很好地用作開胃酒並刺激食慾。作為食物的搭配,它與中國菜、開胃菜、烤豬肉以及壽司和生魚片都很相配.香 型:醬香型 原料 : 高樑、小麥、水 容量 : 500 ml 酒精度:53度 Kweichow Moutai has more mellow aroma and more wine fragrance In terms of taste, alcohol has less...
貴州茅台酒(豪華金色) 氣更醇厚,酒香更多. 具有醬香突出、幽雅細膩、酒體醇厚、回味悠長、空杯留香持久的酒體風格. 香 型:醬香型 原 料:有機高粱,小麥 淨 含 量:500ml 酒 精 度: 53% It has a strong soy sauce aroma, elegant and delicate taste, a rich and mellow body,...
贵州茅台酒官方正品生肖纪念豬年 酒精度:53度容量 : 500 ml原料 : 高樑、小麥、水酒廠 : 貴州茅台酒股份有限公司 Kwei Chow Moutai special edition of Zodia - Year of Pig- Year of Goat - Year of Monkey - Year of Rooster - Year of Dog...
金鑽習酒, 鑽石級品質酒體, 優質基酒, 經白酒釀造專家團隊傾心打造而成, 具有醬香突出, 醇和豐滿, 細膩體淨, 後味綿長, 空杯留香持久的風格特徵. 香 型:醬香型原 料:有機高粱,小麥淨 含 量:500ml酒 精 度:53度 A diamond quality liquor and high-quality base liquor, has been created by the Baijiu...
习酒 窖藏系列 生肖纪念酒 戊戌狗年, 選用優質糯高粱、小麥、水為原料,具有醬香突出、醇厚豐滿、細膩體淨、回味悠長、空杯留香持久和本品固有風格.香 型:醬香型 原 料:有機高粱,小麥 淨 含 量:500ml 酒 精 度:53度 He is made from high-quality glutinous sorghum, wheat, and water, has a prominent sauce aroma, mellow...
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